• ProTERM's Quick Index is available for this document.
When this file is opened from a ProTERM Help menu, a small table of
contents or "Index" window also opens to the right of this window: ===>>
Double-click any subject header in the Quick Index window to locate that
subject header here. Use the Quick Index window as a quick navigator tool.
• Create Quick Indexes for your own ProTERM documents. For help on this
and other features, choose Help from the Apple menu (upper left corner).
** ——— **
*** Support ***
The InTrec Technical Support Staff wants to assist you as completely, quickly, and as easily as possible, and you can help us. If we understand the environment in which ProTERM is being run, we can offer better assistance. There are a few basic details and items about your system that greatly influence ProTERM: what computer, system version, ProTERM version. To quickly and easily obtain a list of this information:
** Preparing A Report **
• Click on the Tools menu, and choose Additions > ProTERM Info.
ProTERM Info is a basic information list that can serve as a valuable tool in helping us resolve certain problems. Send the ProTERM Info list to InTrec via email, fax, or conventional mail.
If possible, have ProTERM up and running so you don’t have to wait while ProTERM boots up. It may also be helpful to have ProTERM Info ready so we can more easily discuss what may influence ProTERM in your system.
Although we have provided several methods to contact us, we very much prefer email. Send as much detail as you possibly can, and we’ll make every effort to get right back to you with an immediate reply.
*** How to Contact Teck Support ***
InTrec Software, Inc. Technical Support:
3035 E Topaz Circle Voc:602/992-1345
Phoenix, AZ 85028-4423 BBS:602/992-9789
http://www.intrec.com proterm@intrec.com
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As always, if we can help... Ask! ;-) Your questions help us add quality.